Sunday, July 31, 2011


The six or seven exclamation points I just put in the title of this blog do not come anywhere near to describing how incredibly exciting it was (and is) that fifteen of my eggs were retrieved this morning.  I cannot put it into words but I am grateful, so grateful and humbled.

Of course I've said before that this whole experience has been (and still is) the sweetest yet most heart-wrenching gamble we have ever made.  We knew that my ovaries might not produce many follicles, and then that every follicle might not have an egg inside it, and now that not every egg may be of good enough quality to be fertilized with Michael's sperm.

And yet, just to reach this point and to know that my body came through for me (for us) in this amazing way is so hugely satisfying. 

I'll blog more about the actual retrieval experience tomorrow, but for now, I wanted you to know how many eggs we got, and how very happy and grateful and relieved Michael and I both are.

Thank you for your prayers.  <3