Tuesday, July 19, 2011

2nd IVF Ultrasound & Bloodwork Appointment

I try my best to be grateful every day, but today, I am especially grateful and am reminded of what Anne Lamott said in her book Traveling Mercies: that the two greatest prayers she knows are "Help me, help me, help me" and "Thank you, thank you, thank you."

What a relief today's appointment was!  My first ultrasound since beginning the injectables showed that I have four follicles maturing in my left ovary and four or five maturing in my right ovary (!) (!) (!)

Dr. Amato did my ultrasound again and I think she was a little surprised (as was I) by just how well I am responding to the drugs.  I did have a feeling that something good was happening though, as I have been feeling a lot of "activity" where my ovaries are--kind of a stirring sensation along with some achey pain.  I've had one really sharp pain on the left side that didn't last long, but Dr. Amato didn't seem concerned about it, so I'm not going to be either.  :)  Probably just my little ovary getting a wake-up call from the drugs. 

I'm so proud of my ovaries for doing such a good job getting follicles (with eggs inside!) ready for our upcoming retrieval.  And I'm so proud of my cysts for doing such a good job resting quietly while the activity occurs around them.

My estradiol level was 171 which the nurse said was just fine.  She said that Dr. Patton wants me to continue on the same dose of drugs and go in again on Friday for another ultrasound.  Hopefully by then we'll have a better idea of when the retrieval might be as it all depends on how long it takes for the follicles to reach the proper size of 12-14mm.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.  <3