Sunday, July 31, 2011

Four Hours Until Egg Retrieval . . .

 . . . and of course, I cannot sleep.  I think we set four alarms just in case, but I don't think they are going to be necessary.  If something big is on deck to happen in my life, usually I wake early and can't stop thinking about it.  But it's okay . . . hopefully it just means I will be super out of it during the retrieval.  Maybe I will sleep through it!  :)

Yesterday morning I saw Jelena for an acupuncture treatment geared toward helping me relax and let go of my worries.  It was wonderful.  We talked a bit about the transfer (which will be either Wednesday or Friday) and she assured me that she will be there--even if she has to move some of her other clients around on her schedule.  I am so, so grateful. 

After my appointment, I met Eileen at the Ling Garden for lunch on the patio.  It was lovely as always and she was so sweet to surprise me with some vibrantly colored flowers from her garden.  We had a good talk and reminisced on just how far we have both come in our individual "getting to baby" experiences.  I'm so glad we met that day at the support group and connected over our shared interest in natural methods of increasing and enhancing fertility.  I have a feeling we will be in each other's lives for a long time--and as of Friday, she is at 14 weeks.  :)

I headed home after lunch as Michael and I had plans to pick up a post-procedure pain prescription (to have on hand just in case), and also an enema for me to use before bed.  I know, fun, right?  I teased Michael that he seems to have gotten the better end of this deal as he gets to do quite a lot of "donating" while I get to have the injections, the enema and the procedures.  Just teasing, but still.

We had plans to see "Captain America" after running our errands, but I began feeling sick to my stomach and really just wanted to stretch out on the couch and rest at home.  Michael was very understanding (bless him), and we went home and watched "Secretariat," which is one I had been wanting to see for a long time.  What a great movie--I really loved it. 

It was really nice having a break from injections yesterday, but even so, I felt emotionally off-kilter again which was odd because Friday I seemed to do okay both mentally and physically.  I guess maybe the Ovidrel affected me since I didn't have the Menopur or Ganirelix injections on Friday evening.  I will definitely be glad when the drugs make their way out of my system and I feel more like myself more of the time. 

Well, I suppose I should try and get some more rest.  I'll try and make another blog post later today to let you know how many eggs were retrieved. 

Wish us luck!  <3

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