Monday, July 11, 2011

Injections, Here We Come!

We met with a super nice nurse at OHSU today and she spent about 90 minutes with us going over our IVF schedule and showing us how to do the different injections.  When I found out last Friday which medications I would be taking, I thought I would be taking them all at once, but I was happy to learn today that I will begin with two meds: 175 IUs of Follistim in the morning and then 12 hours later I'll take two powder vials of Menopur mixed with saline.  The Follistim is injected in a pen--it looks similar to what I imagine an Epipen looks like.  This kind of pen has a dial that you turn to the desired dosage of medicine and it measures it for you.  Very cool.  The Menopur has to be measured in a regular syringe from the vials after the powder and saline is mixed and you have to be careful to get the air bubbles out.  The good news is that I'm pretty sure Michael will be able to help me with most of the injections--even if I have to do some of them at work, he can probably prepare them for me and I can do them in the bathroom.

Tomorrow is my last day on the Pill (it will be 17 days taking it).  I'll go in for my first IVF ultrasound and blood draw on Wednesday and then I'll start the medications on Saturday. (!)  If all goes well, we'll have our egg retrieval sometime between July 24th and July 30th, and then the transfer anywhere from 3, 5 or 6 days after that.  So here we go, friends.  The roller coaster has definitely picked up the pace and I am hoping for a steady climb with no descent.  In just a few short weeks, I could be pregnant.  :)

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