Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ultrasound Today!

And of course, I cannot sleep.  :)  But that's okay . . . I'm excited!  And of course, a little anxious for what we will find out, but mostly excited.  Michael and I have been really feeling strongly that we will have twins.  I asked him yesterday if he will be disappointed if we find out there is only one little embryo and he said for a couple of minutes he might be, but then he will start thinking of all the "good" things about having only one at a time (fewer diaper changes, more hands on deck to take care of baby, etc.) and he will get over it. 

As much as I am hoping for two, I will be overjoyed to learn that there is one, growing steadily and strongly, in the proper location.  We will let you know . . .

Today I am six and a half weeks pregnant.  I still almost really can't believe it.  Sometimes I look in the mirror and just say, "I'm pregnant," over and over to try to get it to sink in.  It's been easier to believe lately because the nausea has been getting stronger.  Yesterday I didn't feel "well" until about 4pm, and while it's not fun in the moment, I wouldn't trade it for anything else. 

Monday the first person at work asked me if I am pregnant.  She works at a printing shop in our building, that we use to scan project drawings and make copies.  Last Friday I was there placing an order and she had tried to give me a finished order of some drawings from a really big package--over 100 half-size sheets (bigger than 11x17).  Needless to say, it was a hefty package and I remember saying "I'll send one of the guys down to get it.  I'm not carrying a lot right now."  She said that she was thinking about what I'd said later and figured that I might be pregnant.  :)  Of course she was excited and said that I would be such a "cute little pregnant person."  Very sweet.

I have to admit that these first few weeks have been tougher than I'd thought they would be.  Maybe I didn't give much thought to how I'd feel once I got pregnant since I was so focused on actually getting pregnant.  Now that I'm here, I find that the roller coaster hasn't ended--but I'm blaming a lot of it on hormones.  I'm down to the one concentrated progesterone injection every Friday, and I've noticed that I have a pretty rough few days following it: weepy, angry, exhausted,  you name it.  And I'm still having the light cramping off and on as well as now some sharp pains on my left side again which is likely from the cysts.

I've cut my hours back at work, so I think that's been helping somewhat.  My boss still wants me to work until 5, but he's okay with me coming in late (between 10 and 11).  So I've been getting about 6 hours a day, although yesterday it was a really big struggle not to go home early because of the nausea.  I'd really rather go in earlier (maybe 8:30) and work until 3 or 3:30 since the fatigue seems to really hit in the afternoon.  Depending on what we find out later today, maybe I'll suggest it to my boss . . . he'll probably be more understanding if he knows I'm carrying twins.  :)

That's the update for now.  Thank you all for your continued good thoughts and prayers for us.  I'll let you know what we find out at the ultrasound.


  1. Oh, Amy, I can hardly wait to hear the news! I am so happy and excited for you both! :) :) :) :)
