Monday, August 22, 2011

Second Blood Test!

Wednesday morning I went in for my second blood test (B-hCG) to make sure my pregnancy hormone level was rising normally.  I also had my blood typed, so they would know what my RH factor is and if I would need shots later on in the course of my pregnancy. I knew from years of giving blood that I'm A positive, but I guess they needed to do an official test since it's so important during pregnancy. 

I got the call later that afternoon that my HCG level was rising normally (757) and that my progesterone level is also behaving appropriately, so now we get to "graduate" to the weekly injection as opposed to the daily one.  It's a transition over a period of a few days and begins with two shots on one day (we did this last night), but the end result will be that I will start only getting one shot on Fridays.  Hooray!  There are some pretty good-sized lumps and a few bruises on both sides of my posterior from all of the progesterone shots, so going down to one a week will be wonderful.  :)

Next up is our (cross your fingers!) final visit at OHSU . . . the first ultrasound to confirm heartbeat(s).  It will be on Wednesday, August 31st, and I will be six and a half weeks' pregnant.  My intuition has been telling me that there will be two little hearts beating away, but on that day we will know for sure.  :)  After I scheduled the appointment, I sent an email to my boss asking for that day off for both of us, so we can just relax after we get the happy news.  Maybe we can take a day trip to the beach to celebrate!

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