Thursday, February 23, 2012

First Prenatal Visit at Andaluz

The day after my visit with Dr. Stempel, I saw Dana Shibley at Andaluz for my first official midwifery visit.  Michael and I had had an initial complimentary consult with another midwife there (Jessica), a couple of weeks after the car accident, but that was as far as we'd gotten in terms of seeing someone there regularly.
I mentioned a few posts back that Dana was the instructor at the childbirth class we attended last month and we had both liked her.  During one of the breaks, we had talked with her some about our road thus far and that we were (or basically I was) trying to decide where to go for the birth of our baby. 

At this visit, Dana wanted the long version of the tale, starting with our IVF juorney.  She asked questions along the way and I talked and talked.  It was a really comfortable setting: we were in the "Red Room" at Andaluz, which, as you can imagine, is decorated mostly in shades of deep red.  The feel was elegant yet comfortable.  I sat on a very soft couch across from Dana who sat on a bench at the foot of the bed in that room.  There was, of course, the ubiquitous lovely deep tub nearby and the full adjoining bathrrom walk-in shower.  I'm telling you--all the comforts of a very nice bed and breakfast.  Much nicer than my house.  :)

As Dana and I talked, I was reminded again of how much I love that type of care . . .I'm not saying it's "better" than the care I get from Dr. Stempel because I don't believe it is.  It's a different type of care--more nurturing, which is what I need, but not what every woman wants when it comes to prenatal care.  And most of the nurturing aspect comes from the fact that the visits are much, much longer than a typical OB visit.  I was at Andaluz for nearly two hours that night (I was only expecting the appointment to last an hour), but I felt well heard by the time I left. 

Dana said she would request my full medical record from Dr. Stempel's office (he'd only given me the most important stuff--four or five pages' worth), and we made an appoitment for me to return on February 23rd.  That, by the way, is exactly two months from my due date.  :)

Dana was definitely open to co-manging my care with Stempel(for which I was very relieved and thankful), and she agreed with me when I told her that I wanted to be closely monitored while in labor at Andaluz and at the first sign of anything "funny" or not quite right, I want to go to the hospital.  I told her abuot the fear that has been weighing on my mind and heart these past few weeks as we get closer to the baby's arrival.  I'm not overly concerned about being in labor (I would like to think I can manage labor pain after dealing with endometriosis pain for 20+ years), but I am concerned about the baby and about whether or not he will need extra help exiting my body.  While I don't want my fear and anxiety to keep me from laboring in the environment that I feel suits me best, neither am I willing to put my baby at any risk that I can possibly control.  So as we get closer, if he is in a breech position or if Stempel has any concerns about him, I will mostly likely go to Emanuel.

I'm so glad that Dana understands and respects my choice.

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