Thursday, February 23, 2012

30 Weeks!

Catching up on blog posts . . . this was from last week.

I think it was at 27 or 28 weeks that I mentioned to Michael that I noticed at work one day that if I stand completely straight and look down, I can no longer see my toes for my belly sticking out.  I love that.  Now it is definitely more apparent that if I want to see my feet while I'm standing, I have to tip my upper body forward and stick my bum out a bit . . . makes me feel like a Weeble, if any of you remember those cool little toys from the eighties.  So now we are at 30 weeks . . . actually, as I write this, we are at 30 weeks and 5 days.  The weeks seem to be speeding up now that we've passed all the crucial milestones (12 weeks, 24 weeks, etc.).  I have been marking off the days to baby's duedate on a calendar at work, and I was more than a little surprised today to see just how little time there is between now and April 23rd.  Absolutely incredible. 

I remember Eileen telling me that she wanted her pregnancy to slow down because she loved being pregnant so much and she didn't know if she would ever be pregnant again.  I find myself feeling that way too (in and among the various pains and discomforts that come with being pregnant).  I cannot get over looking at myself in our recently purchased full-length mirror (thanks, IKEA!), and marveling at how my body has changed, and continues to change. 

It's been a couple of weeks now that I've noticed the upper part of my abdomen beginning to plump up and fill out with space for Baby . . . and this week I've really noticed that it's quite rounded up top.  Yesterday, I caught myself using it as a little ledge to jot notes on a Post-It while I was on the phone.  I was reminded of something someone told me once about a very pregnant woman using her abdomen to hold her plate while she ate, and how cool and specific to pregnancy that was.  I laughed at myself and wondered what else I will end up using my belly for before too long.

30 weeks and Baby Hoffman is nearly 16 inches long and 3 pounds.  He is surrounded by about a pint and a half of amniotic fluid and you know, it baffles me that all that I don't much notice all that extra weight.  To think about it, one would think it would feel heavy, but it doesn't for me.  My back hurts some and I get aches in places I never thought I would (no one really mentions certain things about pregnancy, do they?), but for the most part, I don't notice the extra pounds. 

Our little guy has ventured up a few times into the new space afforded him by my expanding upper abdomen (now the top of my womb), and I feel him kicking (as now while I type) at belly button level.  I hope he's loving the room and feeling relaxed and comfortable in there.

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