Thursday, May 26, 2011

Waiting . . .

We are waiting to hear from OHSU about Michael's most recent test results and about applying for IVF financing.  I emailed them Sunday and again on Tuesday but haven't received any emails back yet, although their approximate response time is two business days.  Dr. Patton did call Tuesday (at the one time when I didn't have my phone with me), with Michael's results, but he didn't leave a message telling me what they were.  I called them this morning when I didn't hear anything yesterday, and as of right now I am still waiting. 

Eileen says they are slow to respond and that I just have to keep calling.  She says that once your IVF program has begun it's much better.  I hope so!

Since we haven't heard back from OHSU yet, and my period is almost certain to begin tomorrow, I think we will be waiting another month to officially begin an IVF cycle.  It's disappointing, as I was all geared up for June, but I guess I waited too long to contact them.

On the other hand, waiting will give me a chance to have a couple of Mayan abdominal massage sessions with the lady I saw 3 years ago, Corrine Porterfield.  When I had the trial transfer a couple weeks ago, the doctor said that my uterus was not centered and was retroverted (tipped).  I know that a session or two of abdominal massage will most likely get my womb in just the right place for optimal implantation when we do IVF, and I know I will feel better knowing I have done really all I can to get my body ready.  My appointment is scheduled for June 9th, and while I wait I have been trying to do the abdominal self-massage that I learned when I saw Corrine before, as well as castor oil pack treatments. 

I finally found out more about how the packs are supposed to work: a doctor replied to an online castor oil pack discussion and said that while the oil itself is too viscous to really penetrate deeply into the body, the combination of the oil with heat from a hot water bottle or heating pad brings hundreds of white blood cells to the area to help heal whatever is not right.  I love that!  Plus, it's very comforting to relax with something warm on your belly, while you sneak in a little reading.  :)  You don't use them during pregnancy, and generally not while having your period, but they are supposedly very good during the rest of the month for helping with things like endometriosis, uterine fibroids, etc.

I've been trying to do either a castor oil pack treatment or qigong every day--sometimes both if I can fit it in.  So most likely, June will be a continuation of prep on my part to get my body as ready as I can for our big adventure.  I'm also hoping to get at least one more hiking or backpacking trip in before we begin our IVF cycle.  I felt so happy, peaceful and calm-yet also invigorated-when we hiked at Mt. St. Helens last week.

Must find a way to get more of that feeling into my everyday life.

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