Saturday, October 16, 2010

A Plan of Action

Yesterday I had my session with Jelena, and I gave her all of our updated information. Her take on it was that Michael's first step should definitely be to see a urologist and be evaluated for a low-level infection or for a varicocele. She said there were a number of things that could be causing the low numbers on the semen analysis, but it sounded like these were the most common.

After we know a little more about M's situation, he'll go see Jelena for an herbal consult and she'll devise a formula for him--probably much like the "tea" I take now. In the meantime, he'll start taking a supplement to boost sperm count and improve shape and motility. He'll need to take that at least 3 months because that is the amount of time it takes to mature sperm within the testicles. And I'm sure he'll have at least a couple more semen analyses to see if the numbers have improved. I am sure that with the implementation of both the supplement and the herbs, we will see at least some improvement!

As for me, Jelena didn't seem too concerned that the cyst has gotten bigger--which has helped relieve my mind. I'm not sure why, but I put tremendous stock in her opinion; maybe because she is a doctor too (just of Chinese medicine, not western medicine), and has had extensive training in women's health conditions. What she strongly recommended was having a consult with a reproductive endocrinologist (a fertility doctor) before having a laparoscopy, should I choose to go that route. Her point was that an R.E. would plan the best course of action for someone dealing with a potentially long-term ovarian cyst and trying hard to preserve her fertility. The doctor might suggest skipping the lap altogether and just watching the cyst while continuing on with plans for IUI after M's numbers look better. So that made me feel more relaxed about the whole thing. Funny how your mind can put you into a tailspin when someone mentions a possible "risky cyst" and when asked what that means exactly, says "cancer" as Dr. Bruner did.

Jelena did say that if we were to go to a fertility clinic right now, the doctors would likely take one look at our situation and immediately say "IVF," since the egg and sperm are combined for you and then placed directly in the uterus. But it is a very expensive procedure and frankly, doesn't work in many cases. What I told M last night is that it's hard for me to justify going that much into debt when in 2 tries of IVF we would be spending the same amount of money that it would take to adopt an infant.

So, there's where we are now on the path to parenthood. I like to think we are midway, but who knows really? All we can do is take one step at a time (I am learning that this is really the only way to approach this whole process while continuing to keep my sanity) and trust that when the time is right, all the pieces of the puzzle will fall into place in exactly the way they are meant to.

I'll keep you posted.


  1. I think your approach to this entire situation is a good one. And as you are gathering all of this information, it is helping you put the pieces of this puzzle together. Stay strong. Stay focused. Stay relaxed. It sounds like you and Michael are certainly on the right path.
