Thursday, January 26, 2012

27 Weeks!

This week we are finishing off the second trimester and preparing to jump into the third . . . can you believe it??

Our baby can now open and close his eyes, weighs about two pounds and is around 14 and a half inches long.  Goodness!  He is my little buddy, moving and stirring many times now during the day, keeping me company at work.  Sometimes when he's really active and doing what I call his "wave" motion where he makes my stomach undulate with his movements, I just stop what I am doing and watch my belly.  I don't want to miss any of this . . . it's already dawning on me that I don't have all that much longer to be pregnant and to share this special time where it's just me and him.  And I'm not quite ready to leave this part behind yet.

At work I've noticed I get a lot more looks than I used to--perfect strangers smile at me when they see me and my belly coming.  A couple people have said, "I bet you're having a boy!" and then they've been so happy when I've confirmed their hunch.  One man said, "I knew it!  You carry just like my wife did--all up front!"  I wanted to ask him how else you carry than up front, but didn't.  Maybe he meant that the baby is centered in my body instead of being stretched across it?  Not sure.  It was funny though, and I love that people can tell now without a doubt that I am pregnant.  Although Michael told me yesterday that one of the guys we work with told him he just realized I am pregnant about two weeks ago.  Funny.  But it's an engineering company, so I guess you can't really blame him.  His mind is filled with calculations and formulas and designs for upcoming projects.  And suddenly, one day there I am with a big pregnant belly.  Must have been something of a shock for him.  :)

What else?  I talk to the baby a lot, and sing to him as we drive home from work.  I sing little made-up songs about how we're going home to see Papa and have dinner, about how much we love him and what a good job he's doing growing strong and healthy.  Some days he stirs more than kicks and I pat or rub my belly if I haven't heard from him in an hour or two, just to get some movement back.  Other days he "talks" all day, wiggling and kicking.  I love those days.

So far we have the baby's crib and today the mattress we ordered was waiting on the front porch when we got home from work.  This weekend we plan to buy his carseat and I am such a lucky girl that I already have two baby showers lined up for us: one on February 18th, thrown by my high school friends, and the other on March 4th, given by the baby's two eager grandmas.  I'm sure this little guy will have plenty of wonderful things waiting for him when he arrives in April.  But at least he will have a place to sleep and a way to get home after his birth.  :)

How I love him.

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