Wednesday, August 4, 2010

HSG Scheduled

It's been awhile since my last post. I've been trying to decide what to do about the hysterosalpingogram test and what I've decided is to just go ahead and do it. At least that way, I'll know what I'm working with and Michael and I can go from there when making plans for our next steps to becoming parents.

My test is scheduled for August 13, pending the arrival of my next period--the test is generally done within the first 11 days of the cycle, but not during bleeding. My period hasn't been following a 28 day pattern, so I had to make an educated guess in terms of scheduling the test. If it arrives late, I'll probably need to reschedule.

Where I am now . . . I've been taking the herbs, Wobenzym, Nattokinase & OPC supplements recommended by the Fertile Soul, pretty religiously. I have done a few castor oil packs and some abdominal massage, but not as regularly as I am "supposed" to. I think I have been feeling depressed about the whole thing again and feeling like giving up--not a great place to be, but there you have it. I wonder why it is so easy for me to get discouraged in this process. Maybe because it feels like it has been dragging on for so long . . . maybe that is to be expected. I don't know. Sometimes I do feel like I am too easily swayed by something I hear (either positive or negative). I think it's hard knowing when to believe in the possibility of a successful outcome using an alternative medical treatment and when to be "realistic." Likewise, it's tough knowing how much stock to put in test results . . . I guess it's something I have to figure out on my own.

I know this sad feeling will pass eventually (might pass more quickly if I did some yoga or qi gong!), but for right now I am trying to just accept what is, right now, in the present moment.


  1. I know this must be a huge emotional rollercoaster -- there is probably really no way around it. Just try to keep in mind what you have written on the sidebar of this blog: "The journey, not the destination, is the most important thing." This "journey" is a path you were destined to walk. Something good is going to come of your travel.

    I wish you peace and hope as you have this test.

  2. Christi, you are so right. Thank you for the reminder. <3
